The work is part of a series that originated on the occasion of the closing of the exhibition “Mutual Relations” curated by Claudia Santeroni. The series was conceived using the name of the exhibition and applying it to the arrangement of the elements that constitute the works, namely the themes present in the original triptychs. The arrangement was altered using inversion through symmetry and inversion within phrasing through chiasmus. Symmetry as a geometric figure and “chi” as a rhetorical figure are condensed in the title Opusinverso.
In the new series, which repeats the triptych structure, albeit as a portable shrine, the duality of twins shifts to the center, and the symbolic elements move from the center to the side panels. The central figures are unanchored from the ground and float in the indistinct, while the arrangement of the lateral elements is more documentary: photographic documentation of two small dioramas of the Mediterranean dune ecosystem composed of sea sand from granite, entomology cabinet insects (bombus hypnorum), pomegranate seeds (arils) (punica granatum), transparent resins.